Forsworn Oathbreakers

What happens if you break an oath in the United States? If you are forsworn of your oath of naturalization, which requires abjuring all foreign allegiance and bearing true allegiance to America instead, is there a process by which your citizenship can be revoked?

If you are forsworn of your oath of office, you can be impeached or recalled, although it rarely happens. We require a lot of oaths of office, but it doesn't seem as if they come with any means of enforcement. I think once honor served as a kind of method of enforcement, as being known as a forsworn oathbreaker would have been seen as shameful enough that few would dare court it. Now, though, that system seems to have failed. What is left?


  1. ymarsakar5:57 PM

    What is left?

    Killing them.

    It ain't that hard. American soldiers do it everyday to the foreign enemies overseas. This is not beyond the power scope of a superpower. It is merely beyond the Will of a pacified population that thinks itself prosperous, free, and brave.

    It is not always that people go insane when times go hard. It is when times are good that the secret combinations and societies take power, with most people believing that nothing bad will happen now (Titanic, Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin).

    Bad times create hard men. Hard men create good times. Good times create prosperous weaklings. Weaklings create bad times.

  2. ymarsakar6:10 PM

    The above would have been my answer to the warriors 10 years ago, as it is now.

    My answer for the tacticians and strategists is far harsher and more difficult to accomplish. If you wish to win over evil, killing evil is sometimes pointless to ineffective to begin with. You must convert evil with good, hate with love, even if it means all 300 million of you and yours die a screaming death in fire and agony.

    People aren't gonna like that answer because it sounds like "giving up".

    Well, America gave up when they refused to kill evil due to the excuse that it was because Ymar was being a warmonger and didn't understand things about war. No Amis, it is you humans that did not comprehend the Burning and Conflagration I warned you all about. By giving the Deep State and the Leftist alliance the impression that you are weak willed and unwilling to kill them in war, this guarantees that they will PUll the Trigger.

    you don't have to believe me. Just look around your corrupt and fallen world. Trum could have fired and destroyed Comey and Mueller before Day 1 of his Presidency. But he showed mercy and compassion, towards the wrong people. There is no guarantee from the war against the Deep State and Leftist traitors.

    There is more of a guarantee with my strategic option, but it generally doesn't pay off in this world.
