Confederate Memorials are War Memorials

Well of course they are. What else would they be?
[Judge] Moore finds the issue to be so clear-cut that "if the matter went to trial on this issue and a jury were to decide that they are not monuments or memorials to veterans of the civil war, I would have to set such verdict aside as unreasonable..."
I'm not a big fan of judges setting aside jury verdicts. All the same, what else could a reasonable person conclude? Maybe judges should or shouldn't have the power to set aside a jury verdict; I think I'd tend to side with the jury, all things considered. But if we allow, for the point of discussion, that a judge might exercise reasonable judgment -- well, what else would he rule, than than a war memorial is a war memorial?

These are strange times.


  1. ymarsakar10:03 AM

    They will get even stranger, Grim, as the Forces and Fleets of Light and Darkness come closer together for mutual annihilation and conflict.

    What will decide the tipping point is the Will of humanity itself at a quantum, personal, and collective level.

    In other words, the ultimate strategy of the forces of Darkness, which controls the Deep State much in the same fashion that the Deep State controls the Leftist alliance, and the Leftist alliance controls Demoncrats and American serfs, is a type of lawfare.

    They do not hope to extinguish humanity or this Earth. They need this Earth and humanity as serfs for survival. Of course you do not understand. Few do the higher realms of strategy. This is far beyond the short term "tactics" of political Gramsci marches and Presidential shenanigans.

    The secrets of the multiverse are being unveiled to me. Along with it, the strategic understanding of what this war has always been about. Your bunkers, weapons, arms, bombs, don't matter, Grim. They used to, but not due to Divine and Galactic Lawfare.

    Also this is not intended to be cryptic. It is merely a Schroedinger's Box issue.

  2. Well, rather than 2+2=5, I guess we're going to be forced to believe that p = ~p.
