The Return of Grim

This time, I sought different mountains.

Wyoming is interesting country. I'll be out there more often, I think.


  1. It is a beautiful area. Used to go mountain biking with a group of friends out there when I was college age. Now I live in the Appalachians, bit more of a drive than it used to be.

  2. ColoComment9:59 PM

    Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.

  3. ColoComment, too late. There's already a fair number of Angelenos moving out to Montana.

    Glad you're back after good travels, Grim.

  4. ColoComment5:59 PM

    douglas, and you can bet that they'll do the same to Montana as they've done to Colorado.

    Bah humbug. A pox on their blue house and all who live there.

  5. Beautiful place. Welcome back!

  6. raven9:37 PM

    Good place for a long motorcycle ride come summer, after the snow has melted off the passes. Should your travels bring you to cody, don't miss the Buffalo Bill Historical complex -Firearms Museum, Native American museum and Western Art.

  7. In fact, a long motorcycle ride next summer is just what I have in mind. I met a former SF team leader who runs a fundraiser for vets and bikers in the summer time. It sounds like a good time.

  8. Eric Blair12:01 AM

    Lost an argument with a semi out there once. I survived, my car didn't. Had to catch a bus from Jackson Hole to Butte, to Seattle.

    Don't remember much of the place. Powder River Bus lines. Ate a Buffalo Steak while reading Marcus Aurelius. Hills and snow.
