Satire, or No?

Headline #1: ""The 'Burn It Down' Democrats."

Headline #2: "Candidates Propose Changes To Fix Flaw In Constitution That Allows Republicans To Be Elected."

1 comment:

  1. Ymarsakar10:15 PM

    The reason my "kill them" plan would have worked is because Leftists only pay attention to you if you kill them or people in general. They don't actually pay attention to you otherwise.

    That's why they are proceeding to keep pushing for disenfranchising Republican voters. Why would they care? It's not like your side has shown they have the mettle or Will to do anything about it.

    The problem with terrorists and guerillas is sooner or later they get to the point where the only language they understand is terror and violence. You try talking to them about bribes and economy and freedom jazz... that doesn't work. THey don't you seriously.

    In order to even attempt to negotiate with Leftists, you have to show that you have the power to kill thousands of them. More than Pinochet and Hitler ever did. Then they will take you seriously. Then they will begin to stand down. Until the Deep State reactivates them and snaps the whip again.

    Tzar Nicholas got his entire family purged for one reason. He refused to kill the Marxists. He just exiled them.
