Requiescat in Pace Carrie Constantini

Those of you who have been around long enough to remember Villainous Company will have known Carrie well; Marines of 3/5 will have known her well also. I am sorry to report that I have learned of her unexpected passing. She was a lady of great energy and joy, and my world will be lessened without her.

UPDATE: Looking back through the archives, I see that she was also a major force at BLACKFIVE during its heyday. She kept us awash with positive stories about the Marines during the hard days of the Iraq war, and the better days too.


  1. I remember the site and it's great name. It suggested to me I would have liked her.

  2. I am deeply saddened to hear this. The only thing I can compare this to is when we lost Lex some years back. I never had the pleasure of meeting her, but I felt that she was a friend.

  3. Very sorry to hear this. Damn!!

  4. Was Carrie the same person at Cassandra?

  5. No, Carrie was not. She was a regular there, though.

  6. DLSly1:54 PM

    Words escape me.
    I did have the incredible fortune to not only meet her, but to call her "friend". There are many things that Carrie was to many people, for me she was friend, confidante', conspiritor in creating chaos - most particularly at VC and Castle Arrrgh!. But I think the one title Carrie was most proud of was "Battle Buddy" - a phrase that encompassed not only compassion and support, but also the necessary tough love sometimes needed when someone's spouse has been deployed to a war zone and the dishwasher is leaking, the youngest is throwing up, and the car won't start. Or, as in one particularly personal moment, when there are three fires bearing down on your home and family and you've been ordered to evacuate.
    Thank you, Carrie, for being my Friend and Battle Buddy. Your light has left this world all too soon for those who knew and loved you. Today, even the majesty that is the snow-covered Rocky Mountains, seems less than. You are already missed.
    Fair winds and following seas.

  7. I've spent the last several days reading through hundreds of emails to and from Carrie and others in a very small group. (You know who you are.) She was such an amazing person - could wield a nuclear-strength cluebat with unerring accuracy in the direction of some unsuspecting idiot while, at the same time, providing outstanding support and strength to a brand new military mom, in between checking new recipes and cooking dinner for her family and sending a care package to a Marine she discovered who had little family support. That was Carrie. That is what she did every single day. She knew she couldn't fix the big problems but she could do something to help fix one part of the problem. It's what she did. I am not able to attend her funeral. But I will open a bottle and toast the woman whom I was privileged to call friend.
