Rahm has a point

Rahm Emmanuel on election strategy:
Earth to Democrats: Republicans are telling you something when they gleefully schedule votes on proposals like the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a 70 percent marginal tax rate. When they’re more eager to vote on the Democratic agenda than we are, we should take a step back and ask ourselves if we’re inadvertently letting the political battle play out on their turf rather than our own. If Trump’s only hope for winning a second term turns on his ability to paint us as socialists, we shouldn’t play to type.


  1. "If Trump’s only hope for winning a second term turns on his ability to paint us as socialists, we shouldn’t play to type."

    Plenty else wrong with the Democrats as well...the assaults on free speech and due process, the increasing anti-Semitism, the encouragement of lawless immigration, the extreme over-emphasis on higher education as the solution to all problems, the monopoly-driven failure of the public schools, etc etc

  2. Bigotry is institutional in the Progressive-Democratic Party; the Party's implosion over "anti-Semitism" and their desperation to protect one of their own has only made that obvious.

    The identity politics of the Left in general is nothing but updated segregation.

    The Left and its Progressive-Democratic Party arm have been playing to Republican and Conservative strengths for a long time; Republicans and Conservatives, though, are only just beginning to figure out how to talk about those things. It took a blunt-talking New Yorker of not-Party type to break that dam; the establishments of both groups lacked the awareness, or the courage, to do so without the prod.

    Eric Hines

  3. There is a species of Democrat that may know a lot of wrong things about the economy or foreign policy, but know a lot about elections.

  4. Ymarsakar6:24 AM

    Trum's Trump card is all those hidden secret indictments against Demoncrat child rapists. Satanic ritual sacrifice included.

    See, that's the kind of stuff Clinton's boys and girls used against Waco 1, and it was effective even if it was not true. Janet Reno actually interrogated and tortured the children of Waco 1 for more than 24 hours. That's why the Waco 1 boys got so hardcore.

    These days Americans are so passive and don't even care, so long as Planned Profit is making profit for them.

  5. "If Trump’s only hope for winning a second term turns on his ability to paint us as socialists, we shouldn’t play to type."

    Or put another way- 'We're socialists, but for tactical reasons we shouldn't look like socialists, ok?'

    It's a veiled admission really. Both of the truth that they are socialists, and that they don't value truth too much.
