"Nothing" Is A Wide Country

An editorial piece:
Nothing is more incompatible with Jewish thought and history than Peterson's deliberate insensitivity to the effects of hate speech. The political correctness he and other conservatives malign has, rightly, raised the social and political cost of prejudice - and not yet far enough
I don't especially care about Petereson, and I don't have any special insight into Jewish thought or history, although I have read some of the major philosophers -- Maimonides and Gersonides, say. Even from my very non-privileged perspective, though, I'd say that I can think of a few things that would be more incompatible. Denial of God, for example; denial of the covenant with Abraham; materialism.

That last one's kind of important. Lots of materialists around these days. But sure, let's focus on raising the costs of unpopular speech. That'll work out great for religious minorities.


  1. Ymarsakar8:12 AM

    It is interesting how VoxDay and some of VoxDay's philosophical allies like the Bear Ben somebody's name I forgot, a Hollywood comedian turned outcast and moon landing anti religion guy, that those think of Peterson as a liar or a tool.

  2. Ymarsakar9:45 AM

    There was an interesting clip where someone asked Peterson a question concerning radical/atheist Jews that are harming Jewish interests, national or spiritual, and Peterson deigned not to answer because his response after 15s of pondering was "I can't".

    That is interesting irrespective o what anyone else says, because Peterson himself has a belief or iconic persona as someone that speaks Truth to Power. But there might be Powers that he himself is limited in not talking about because they pay his economic interests.

    As for Anti Semitism, that was a term created by the Germans to persecute Jews. As Arabs and Kurds are also Semitic in part or whole, including Iranians and Persians. But the Jewish organizations adopted the term because it was useful for getting political reparations and other levers. Many Jews learned that if they made use of their own persecution, it might be harmful for everyday Jews but not the ones with actual power and leverage, like Soros or the owners of America's media empires and Hollywood or porn. That creates an interesting dynamic where 70+% of Jews in the US vote Demoncratic. Then blame Israel's problems on Republicans...

  3. Ymarsakar9:47 AM

    Chuck Schumer, via rumor, is pro Abortion in the US and anti Abortion in Israel...

    Interesting, if true. Stuff the fake news propaganda mainstream sewer media deigns not to tell me. There are many things they do not tell me and many things I do not tell others.

  4. "I don't have any special insight into Jewish thought or history, although I have read some of the major philosophers -- Maimonides and Gersonides, say."

    I wonder whether the author of this article has read those philosophers.

    I notice he makes accusations about Republican racism and anti-Semitism while ignoring what is going on in the Democratic Party, where anti-Israel people and outright anti-Semites seem to be an increasingly important voter bloc.

  5. What a tool.

    Peterson's crime isn't that he facilitates anti-Semitism. His crime is that he disparages Marxism, left-wing theories, and anti-individualist identity politics.
