
An article in Forbes argues that the multiverse is inevitably real, given cosmic inflation and quantum physics.


  1. Ymarsakar10:22 PM

    They don't know the half of it.

  2. Ymarsakar10:27 PM

    "Astrophysicist and author Ethan Siegel is the founder and primary writer of Starts With A Bang! His books, Treknology and Beyond The Galaxy, are available wherever books are sold."

    Normally Forbes is pretty objective. Their stories on mass Effect and Alibaba stock were quite perceptive, for a bunch of human editors and writers.

    But the whole astrophysicist thing is why Ethan Siegel doesn't get it. His writing is sufficiently clear and concise, but his theories are not quite as solid and provable as he believes.

    How do I know? Because when he mentions gravity waves and LIGO, he does not mention dark matter/energy, galaxy spinning, or Newton's Three Body Problem.

    This is the kind of stuff scientists hide from the popular crowd and laymen, cause it involves math.

  3. Ymarsakar10:36 PM

    Best to watch applied engineering in action rather than listen to astrophysics mumbo jumbo tech talk.

    That's not classical physics or gravity. That's quantum locking. It doesn't negate gravity. To quantum physics, gravity doesn't even exist. Instead of looking at matter as generating gravity waves, quantum physics looks at matter as a result of vibrations, strings, and energy quanta. Aka, Dirac Sea phenomenon.

    "But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun – the plane of the earth around the sun – the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe."

    Lawrence, that's because Earth is the center of the multiverse, you atheist fool lol.

    These popular science articles in Forbes sorta of assumes the readers are braindead and don't understand any of the topics raised. Well, that's generally because the astrophysicists have problems understanding how all this fits together to begin with.

  4. The multiverse is inevitably unverifiable, much as people like to talk about it.
