Maybe Next Lent

An Army vet loses 25 pounds on his Lenten fast.
When Lent began March 6, Hall initiated a fully liquid diet in order to become less dependent on fatty foods and sugar.

Only, the fluid he settled on consuming to provide his greatest sustenance is beer....

Hall’s fasting inspiration comes from 17th century Bavarian monks, he said, who would observe the holy time of Lent through fasting on a “Bock Beer Diet.”

“Fasting is a big part of being human and we don’t really do that anymore,” he said in a YouTube video documenting his progress. “It’s not necessarily about the weight loss as it is the challenge of replicating what the monks did" over a 46-day fast. “It’s about the journey and learning about yourself.”
I imagine a lot of that lost weight is muscle, though, because beer isn't a great source of protein.


  1. Ymarsakar9:29 AM

    It's not as efficient as the Jesus 30+ day fast with no food/water.

  2. Well, I was going to comment "I wonder if you can even get something close to the bock the monks were drinking". Then I did a little research, and found this article about the man's fast which supplied a little more detail, and here's the Paulaner Salvator website- they still make it! It's potent stuff- 7.9% alc. and somewhat surprisingly has 0.8g protein per 100ml (so around 4g per bottle I think). Well, I know what beer I'm going to look to get next time I'm shopping.
