BB: Voting is Self-Defense

"I don't particularly love the party I usually vote for, but hey! They're a little less likely to one day outlaw my faith," he told a friend... "I don't really care to win the culture wars or anything. But the candidates I support tend to be slightly more prone to just leave me alone."

At publishing time, Christians who abstained from voting were silently thankful that people like Michaels are willing to do the dirty work of voting in self-defense.


  1. At present, almost everyone in America is *thinking like lawyers.* By which I most definitely *don't* mean that they are honing their skills in logic, persuasion, and historical precedent. Rather, I mean that they are acting like people who have a client who they must defend at all costs.

    The reason is clear: the politicization of almost all aspects of American society means that the fear of having one's "side" lose is deeply threatening. A reasonable fear, IMO,on the part of the Right, a largely unreasonable fear (but still a psychologically real one) on the part of the Left.

  2. That's a good point. Trust has collapsed, which is expensive to any society.

  3. Trust hasn't completely collapsed, as anyone who watched the Cohen hearings saw clearly.

    The Progressive-Democrats tried emphatically to rehabilitate the convicted (and confessed, but...) liar, and they took him at his word, they trusted him, at every opportunity. Or at least at those opportunities convenient to their mindset.

    Separately, but not too much so, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be old enough to run in the '24 election cycle.

    Eric Hines

  4. With luck, we'll all be dead by then.

  5. Nah. I plan on living forever.

    And to crush the socialists, to see them fall at my feet--to take their "horses" and goods and hear the lamentation of their gender-flexed ones. That is, after all, best.

    Eric Hines

  6. "Do you want to live forever?"

    Not me. I'm in the world, but not of it; I'm glad to know that I'm only here for a while. In the end, all the chains of all the tyrants fail.

  7. Or, since I'm doing Pirates of P tonight, "Go ye heroes, go and die!"

    Why not? I know some good men who went first. Whatever comes after, it'll be better because they were there before us.

  8. I'd rather go and win. Let that other poor bastard die for his [failed cause]. I won't cede the world or any of mine in it, to them.

    Eric Hines

  9. Ymarsakar8:26 AM

    Many of you here don't even remember what decisions you made in your pre mortal existence, as part of the Higher Self, aka Divine Source...

    Kind of hard to figure out the whole life forever thing without that clue.
