
I would prefer that you could come up with a way to improve the human body's ability to handle alcohol, rather than coming up with a substitute for alcohol; still, this is a potentially helpful field of research. Lots of people's lives would be improved by this.
What Nutt now knows is that there are 15 different Gaba receptor subtypes in multiple brain regions, “and alcohol is very promiscuous. It will bind to them all.” Without giving away his trade secrets, he says he has found which Gaba and other receptors can be stimulated to induce tipsiness without adverse effects. “We know where in the brain alcohol has its ‘good’ effects and ‘bad’ effects, and what particular receptors mediate that – Gaba, glutamate and other ones, such as serotonin and dopamine. The effects of alcohol are complicated but … you can target the parts of the brain you want to target.”

Handily, you can modify the way in which a molecule binds to a receptor to produce different effects. You can design a peak effect into it, so no matter how much Alcarelle you consume, you won’t get hammered. This is well-established science; in fact Nutt says a number of medicines, such as the smoking cessation drug varenicline (marketed as Champix), use a similar shut-off effect. You can create other effects, too, while still avoiding inebriation, so you could choose between a party drink or a business-lunch beverage.

Coming up with the concept was the easy bit, says Nutt. Finding the right molecule was more challenging, “but the real challenge is taking that molecule to a drink. The regulatory side is much harder than the science.”
Now that I believe.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see anything in the article that suggested which aspects of "tipsiness" he's able to control--for the benefit of innocent bystanders like other drivers, spouses of abusive "tipsy" ones, etc.

    But here's the dangerous part: Handily, you can modify the way in which a molecule binds to a receptor to produce different effects. You can design a peak effect into it....

    Having done this for one drug, or for a particular set of receptors, it's a minor engineering problem to expand the capability to other drugs, other sets of receptors. Imagine this capability in the hands of a government tired of its unruly population, a people too stupid to just do what their Betters instruct them to do.

    I won't bother with Nutt's pseudo-judgment regarding horse riding and ecstasy.

    Eric Hines
