A Good Summary

Seppuku is an option, members of the press.
The betrayal narrative was not reported as metaphor. It was not “Trump likes the Russians so much, he might as well be a spy for them.” It was literal spying, treason, and election-fixing – crimes so severe, former NSA employee John Schindler told reporters, Trump “will die in jail.”

In the early months of this scandal, the New York Times said Trump’s campaign had “repeated contacts” with Russian intelligence; the Wall Street Journal told us our spy agencies were withholding intelligence from the new President out of fear he was compromised; news leaked out our spy chiefs had even told other countries like Israel not to share their intel with us, because the Russians might have “leverages of pressure” on Trump.

CNN told us Trump officials had been in “constant contact” with “Russians known to U.S. intelligence,” and the former director of the CIA, who’d helped kick-start the investigation that led to Mueller’s probe, said the President was guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” committing acts “nothing short of treasonous.”

Hillary Clinton insisted Russians “could not have known how to weaponize” political ads unless they’d been “guided” by Americans. Asked if she meant Trump, she said, “It’s pretty hard not to.” Harry Reid similarly said he had “no doubt” that the Trump campaign was “in on the deal” to help Russians with the leak.
UPDATE: I just want to say one thing about this fiasco. The whole thing began with General Flynn, who was fired as NSA for having spoken to the Russian ambassador about a possible quid pro quo relationship going forward and then not reporting that fact to the Vice President. The fact that the Russians felt the need to pursue a relationship like that going forward meant that one wasn't already established prior to the election.

The original grounds of the investigation logically entailed an absence of pre-election collusion. That no intelligence officer would ever recruit a man like Donald Trump -- reckless, careless of speech, impulsive, undisciplined -- requires experience to know. That the Flynn accusations contradicted an already-established relationship should have been instantly apparent to anyone with clarity of thought.

Comey was fired, we think, because he wouldn't let go of an investigation that logic should have forestalled. Two years of investigation followed to try to establish what was clearly not the case, just based on the very thing that the Flynn investigation was supposedly about.

This is a huge failure of the press; it is a huge failure of the security state. But it is also a failure of our education system. What do they teach in these schools on which we spend so much money?


  1. Trump was inarticulate about firing Comey but I think ultimately it was correct. I like Andrew McCarthy's take that he had been running a counter-intellignce investigation into Russian election involvement but conducted it as if it was criminal investigation. As a counter-intell op, publicly stating Trump was not under personal suspicion would have compromised nothing. This contrasted with his extremely poor judgement in publicly claiming Hillary was not indictable for crimes she clearly committed by mishandling classified information.

  2. Ymarsakar9:33 AM

    Trum is allied or merely a stalking horse of the Deep State secret combination crowd. There is a civil war against the cabal of child molesting Satanists, apparently. The Leftist alliance and the media are just smaller less powerful factions in this American CW2.

    A summary of Watergate vs Trum/Russian gate.

    They bugged Trum Tower. Somebody informed Trum early on, so no time to "fish and catch bait" in spy world.

    Nixon thought the White House recordings were off. He turned it off. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't the one controlling White House wiretaps. That would be the NSA, COININTELPRO, Pentagon, and so on. Everybody was spying on the President in DC.

    Nixon got in trouble for using ex COINTELPRO FBi/CIA operatives to check out whether the DNC was getting foreign payouts and other corruption deals. This investigation went nowhere, since the plumbing team got caught by the FBI and other leaks way before they ever got the wiretaps into the DNC HQ. Then he really got nailed for was when the White House wiretaps caught Nixon telling people to destroy evidence and or cover stuff up. Hence, you aren't caught for the crime but the cover up of the crime. But Nixon must have been so stupid to say that while being recorded instead of writing it down and then burning it.

    What would Trum have said in Trum Tower had he not known he was being recorded?

    Also, coincidentally, the FBI Deep Throat operative was the Director COINTELPRO. He trained all the agents and knew all the ins and outs of policy. Coincidentally, he was the one that got Bernadine Dohr and Ayers free due to double j and raiding Weather Underground homes.

    Coincidentally, Mark Felt aka Deep T, was pardoned by Reagan for acts that violated US Constitution due to "national security". Nixon's plumbers weren't exonerated for trying to find DNC Russian collussion and foreign treason due to national security.

    COINTELPRO was only just an FBI program Hoover and others ran spying on Americans like Republicans, Luther, other Presidents, and so on. Just normal everyday "national security" stuff.

    The person running the FBI/CIA investigation into Trum was the one leaking information to the press and setting Trum and his boys up with investigations and "process lying to fed" charges.

    The FBI during Nixon was in charge of COINTELPRO, prosecuting Nixon's boys for using COINTELPRO that would have found Demoncrat Russian corruption at HQ, while leaking the information to the press that would catch Nixon in a bind.

    In the end, Americans believe the media caught a bad actor and crook, Nixon, and that the media somehow acted differently with Trum...

    You Americans are... way too ignorant and gullible when you outsource your thinking to the main sewer media and think you are actually "thinking" things.

    In conclusion, if the Deep State ran an op using Leftists and media to cover up HRC/Hussein treason with Russian or foreigners, with Trum Gate, then why do people think that this was the first time the DS pulled this trick?

    This is the second time (that I know of). They just failed this time vs the Nixon Watergate success.
