Travel Guide

I've been to quite a few of the red areas on this new map of the world's most dangerous destinations.

Not all of them, to be sure. Road trip!


  1. Ymarsakar8:51 PM

    The most dangerous place on the world is when your transit hits the house of death on your natal charts.

  2. Count me in, Grim.

  3. raven9:51 AM

    Do they have good coffee? Cold beer? I won't drink the water....
    A boyhood reading everything I could find about early African exploration left me with a horror of parasites.
    That jarred my memory a bit- readers here at the Hall may be interested in this man- a good man to have around when things get sideways.

    I came across him when doing some research on Lord Roberts. BTW, Roberts autobiography is on line- "41 Years in India"

    Back to Africa- the Biography of Sir Samuel Baker is really interesting- he purchased his wife at a Ottoman slave market - she was his devoted companion for the rest of his life. Pre-colonial Africa was a daunting place.

    For the prize for an interesting life, Henry Stanley was right up there- orphan, stowaway, soldier in the American civil War (on both sides!)newspaperman, explorer, etc. His Trip down the Congo was (I am searching for a adjective.....!)

    Here- just read the dispatches-
