This almost makes me like the deal to avert the shutdown

"Journalist and Soros Equality Fellow" Michelle Garcia complains on CNN that Democrats "gave too much away":
If Trump signs off on the deal, he gets far less border wall funding than he initially demanded, in the immediate, but he wins critical credibility for the Republicans' unsubstantiated and false claims of a border security crisis.


  1. ColoComment10:36 AM

    Don Surber has a similar conclusion:

    "The wall is going up with Democrat support, however tiny that may be. Democrats did not stop it. In fact, they showed weakness in funding it.
    President Trump does not need a completed wall to get re-elected. By caving in, Democrats have made the wall's completion a matter of time."


    "He will take his half loaf and move on." Exactly. This issue has been hanging around 'way too long & he has achieved what he can with the Republicans he has to work with....

  2. Right, we're not arguing about whether there should be a wall, only how quickly we can complete it.

  3. That was my thought, too. Trump not getting 5 billion is a setback but Pelosi's opening was 0. If she had opened with, say, 1 billion then Trump agreeing to approximately 1.5 billion would be a major win. This is actually a big loss for the Dems.

  4. I think it's fine. The emergency measures to build the wall can still occur, and while they're tied up in court, the government can be building the 53 miles of wall that just got approved.

  5. This is a standard tactic the Democrats surrogates use to make it look like we got a big win when we got maybe half a loaf. I'll take it, but it's not a big win, it's barely squeaking by for now. They're always working on shifting the window of perceptions and goals.
