Seizing and pouncing

Or is it pouncing and then seizing?  Let's go to the video:

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's very unfair to tasty Democrats.


  1. "Annexation of gazelles."

  2. I honestly do not get the gasps of sympathy for the prey. If the lion does not kill that particular animal (or one like it) the lion starves to death. I fail to see how that's a better outcome.

  3. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my.

  4. I've just been confused lately by the headlines. I know Republicans pounce on Dem errors, but recently I keep reading that they seize on them and THEN pounce. That seems backwards. The lions clearly pounce first, then seize, which seems a better predatory strategy. I think the trend now is that Republicans seize, then paint. That makes sense. It's hard to paint before you get a good grip on your canvas.

  5. Ymarsakar11:59 AM

    Those African water buffaloes... not really prey all the time.

    Also there are weird pictures of lions chasing down beasts and kiddies, and then just snuggling with them, not biting. And even protecting the little kid against other lions... the lion shall indeed lie down with the sheep.

  6. Gringo2:20 PM

    I once saw a photo of a crouching lion near a giraffe. I never found out how that turned out.
    The herds could gang up and kill lions, especially when a lion is on the ground grappling with its prey. Sometimes they do.
