Interesting comparison

Mr. Soros is a little concerned:
The European Council on Foreign Relations, an organization whose founding was sponsored by George Soros, has concluded that up to a third of the European Parliament may consist of “populists” after this spring’s elections, paralyzing decision-making in the EU. Mr. Soros warned that the EU may dissolve, like the Soviet Union.


  1. Gosh, and it'd be just as much a shame if it did.

  2. I root for separatism as a rule: for Brexit, but also for Scottish independence; for the EU to dissolve, but also for it not to have admitted Turkey; for a free and independent Kurdish region to separate from Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. People are freer if they have local control of their lives, and bigger, distant bureaucracies reliably work against those principles.

    There's no guarantee that even a smaller government will be a good government, though. So I favor very limited powers even within the small governments that remain once separatism occurs.

  3. Right, but if you're going to have a government that's terrible, better it's small for sure.
    Not very many of the great atrocities in history were committed by small governments. There's a lesson there.
