
One of many, many affectionate tributes to the late Richard Feynman, whose delight in a surprising phenomenon knew no bounds.  He was well guarded against the danger of refusing to acknowledge inconvenient truth, because his joy came from grappling with it.  His "Impossible!" really meant "What a wonderful toy you've given me to play with!"

This is a Penrose tile, I think, and below is a supposedly forbidden pentagonal natural array from a quasi-periodic crystal.


  1. The following link is to a Richard Feynman lecture on quantum mechanics which he delivered in Auckland, New Zealand. It is cued to what I believe are the most profound four minutes you will ever witness. I call it "Aristotle in a Bottle".

  2. The clarity and depth of his mind makes me feel as though my heart had been filled with helium.

  3. Ymarsakar8:53 AM

    Feynman and Tesla were far more of a genius than Einstein or Galileo/Copernicus.

    The Theory of Gravity is wrong.

    Counter: Impossible!

    Indeed, impossiball, for the spheres of the multiverse are only held together by "gravity" and if gravity was wrong, say observations do not match the inverse square law disobedient gravity thus requiring dark matter/energy to fudge the equations, then everything in cosmology is wrong... that'd just be too unprofitable.

    Einstein already fudged the equations on the Big Bang to ensure there was no creator. That ended up biting him later on, since his Infinite Space Expansion without a big bang, was something he later retracted. You see, there can't be a Big bang something from Nothing, unless there is a First Cause.

    Although the Big Bang Theory is also horribly wrong, hah.

  4. Ymarsakar9:03 AM

    One of the most important things Feynman ever taught me was that some of the most exciting scientific surprises can be discovered in everyday phenomena. All you need do is take the time to observe things carefully and ask yourself good questions. He also influenced my belief that there is no reason to succumb to external pressures that try to force you to specialize in a single area of science, as many scientists do. Feynman showed me by example that it is acceptable to explore a diversity of fields if that is where your curiosity leads.

    Indeed, without a Renaissance path and auto didactic methodology plus jack of all trades diversity of expertise in many fields, most people cannot even verify what the Main Sewer Media tells them as facts.

    As for everyday phenomenon, exactly Feynman. Just like intersecting shadows on Apollo moon footage (that was destroyed by NASA because they were running out of room after paying for warehouses full of moon rocks for decades). And magnified moon light being equivalent to a laser that freezes, rather than the typical model that says it is reflected sunlight.

    If Feynman had been just a little bit more diverse in his interests, he would have noticed Einstein and Newton's problems. Someone like him with Krittika, could never have left that one alone once he glimpsed it.
