

  1. Gringo12:43 PM

    Good one. As he has been praising Latin American despots for a half century- and doing so in a hectoring tone to us ignorant proles- I have a dislike of the man. I don't like to be lectured to by someone who knows less about the subject than I do.

  2. I dislike him too, but at least he is not a stealth commie. Gotta give him that. Unlike the sneaky rat bastards hiding behind the apple pie trying to knife us.

  3. I decided he must be better than I would think, at least on a personal level, because he and Jim Webb got along so well. If he can befriend and respect a man like Webb, he and I might get along too.

    But the more I learn about him, the more I think he's definitely a commie.

  4. I liked Elizabeth Warren on a personal level, too. It doesn't help.
