"America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"

I am reminded of Fritz Leiber's wizard poem: "Never and forever are neither for men/ you'll be returning again and again."

All the same, consecrate yourselves to it for your lifetimes at least. We were born free, and we can at least swear to die free.

What comes after us is not ours to write, but that far at least we can write for ourselves.


  1. Ymarsakar4:58 PM


    I saw that music 10 years too early. Now it should be a little bit more popular or at least categorically comprehensible to some of the mainstream masses.

    Can mortal humans truly comprehend what the lyrics mean in the context of their fallen Republic? Or are they still stuck on Main Sewer Media propaganda, fake news, Superbowl entertainment, and Hollywood corruption.

  2. What comes after us is not ours to write....

    So, you accept the Progressive-Democrats' proposals for confiscatory taxes on our estates and their robbery of our families? [g]

    Eric Hines

  3. All the modern economies are somewhat redestributive, but rely on the free market to make their money. The Swedes are very generous to their own, but drive a hard bargain with other countries, for example. A lot of it is how well one disguises things.

  4. So, you accept the Progressive-Democrats' proposals...

    If they pass them after I'm dead, I guess.

    All the modern economies are somewhat redestributive...

    The ancient ones too. Aristotle talks about redistribution in the Politics. It's important in aristocracies, he says, because it allows the poor to accept their lack of power and deters revolutions. It's dangerous in democracies, however, because the poor are more numerous and are likely to spark a revolution by the rich -- who can afford to hire mercenaries.

    This is one of the permanent problems. We are looking for a balancing point, more than we are looking for hard principles.

  5. True--in general I accept everything that will happen after I'm dead.
