What Did You Just Say?

The U.S. approved more than 5,000 requests by men to bring child or adolescent brides into the country over the past decade, enabling forced child marriages....

The requests and their approvals were apparently legal, according to government data obtained by The Associate Press, due to the fact that the Immigration and Nationality Act does not limit the age of spouses. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services also approves or denies requests based on whether the marriage is legal in the home country and the state of the applicant.


  1. But were they authentic child marriages?

  2. Ymarsakar10:24 AM

    The Leftist alliance, the Vatican, the Cabal, and the Deep State not only maintains child trafficking and the world wide slave trade, but requires it for operations.

    Only America would be programmed by nationalist culture to think it has never happened here. Every other nation also thinks it is the other nations that are involved, not themselves. Everyone is happy that way, when they don't need to listen to people who talk to much truth.
