Tulsi Gabbard vs. Anti-Catholic Bigots

For reasons best known to her, Rep. Gabbard -- a veteran of honorable service -- decided to support Syria's tyrant, Bashar al-Assad. I was sorry about that, as it was a significant error in judgment. It's nice to see her getting this one right.

In the process, she's taking on two more powerful Democratic legislators, Sens. Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono, as well as Diane Feinstein by name. I hope it will prove a useful corrective.


  1. Gabbard apparently caught a lot of flak for her other outrageous position(s) and has tossed this out as a redeeming virtue-signal.

    She has ZERO influence on the Senators (they're from another State and....ahem.....are SENATORS.) But it sounds nice, eh?

  2. I believe Gabbard is Hindu, so her interest in the question may be stronger than virtue signalling. If you can use religious tests against Catholics, you can use them against Hindus; indeed, given that Hinduism tends to embrace some ideas that are outside the American mainstream (as the NYT would say), it might be really important to her to have this fight here rather than waiting for her own faith to become questioned.
