
I wasn't aware of this. The odds of it being a clever trap are, sadly, small; but if the right people become aware of it, it might become so even if it wasn't planned that way.
In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job.


  1. Ymarsakar10:52 AM

    Not as good as public executions but acceptable given the limitations of pre CW2.

    Depending on who gets hit first and last, the Deep State may lose 1-5% of their total power. That may be enough to win the war, although I doubt it.

  2. THAT raises the stakes for the Party of Government: Pelousy & Co.

  3. I'm sure Judge Kumonawanalei out in Hawaii will approve an injunction to stop this so it's probably moot...

  4. I just came over here to post that same article! Most interesting.

  5. There's an update at the AmThink site. This is an "emergency" furlough, not an "administrative" furlough. In order to initiate RIF's, a plan must be drawn up which will make this "Administrative," and that plan should detail RIF's and justifications for them.

    Do-able, but not easy.

  6. I sense Mick Mulvaney influence in this, if it's true.
