Belated good luck and prosperity

A neighbor brought this cabbage-slaw-blackeyed-pea dish to a next-door New Year's Eve Party, to fulfill the traditional requirement for greens and peas.  I tried to reproduce it last night from a general description, and it was as good as I remembered, though I see now I left out the green onions.   It doesn't sound like it would be that great, does it?--but it was a big hit at the party.  Just be sure to salt the peas appropriately and don't overcook them.


  1. Sounds pretty good actually.
    With my wife's Hungarian family, the traditional New Years dish is lentils- supposedly representing prosperity. I eat a lot of it, as I like lentils, but so far, limited success...

  2. Gringo4:28 PM

    I am not a big cabbage-slaw fan. I prefer my cabbage cooked- but not boiled to death. However, I recently had cabbage-slaw at a Honduran restaurant which I rather liked. It had chopped cilantro added, which I had never seen before. I have eaten plenty of cabbage-slaw in Honduras, where it is a common dish, but had never had it with cilantro.

  3. My mother always used to say that you needed to eat greens and black-eyed peas, and every green was folding money and every pea a coin. I tried this for several years, and I can report that this superstition doesn't play out. Unless, that is, the denominations you earn in this way are so small that I'd rather forgo them in order to avoid having to eat the beans and greens.
