...And Then I Lie To Myself For A While

It's OK, because it's 'meditation.' From a piece on morning routines:
Then I do some meditation, where I might recite some mantras. One of them is "all of my relationships are harmonious and full of love," which is good if you are working with difficult clients.
In the wintertime like it is now, I wake up and go downstairs. I put some coffee on, then I split some wood to rekindle the fire. Then I rekindle the fire.

Then I drink some strong black coffee. I might have a glass of water first, if I'm feeling dry. I go to work usually about the time the wife is starting in on the coffee.

In the summertime, it's just the coffee.


  1. In the wintertime like it is now, I wake up and go downstairs. I put some coffee on, then I split some wood to rekindle the fire. Then I rekindle the fire.

    I did this in Las Cruces when we heated our house with a wood-burning stove. Now, we luxuriate in gas-fired central heat while continuing to do our part toward keeping plant food in the atmosphere so we can all survive. And our thermostat is programmed to maintain different temperatures according to whether it's day or night and the day of week, when no one is home or someone is home.

    In both places, though, our coffee pot has a built-in timer so there's no waiting for it after we get up.

    Eric Hines

  2. raven4:14 PM

    The coffee pot timer is one of the great advances of western civilization.
    Pour a cup. Take a big swig. Bring my wife a cup. Go release the Kraken/cats. Take big swig. Start the fire. Life is good.

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I did a bit of a mantra thing this afternoon, but it was along the lines of "Do not vent frustration on helpless individuals, do not vent frustration on helpless individuals." I was polite, smiled, did not show my frustration, and the matter got solved in minutes. (Two hours on the computer to resolve the same difficulty had resulted in "sound and fury signifying nothing."


  4. Maybe you could start a mantra that goes "it's not really cold outside, and I don't need any coffee."

  5. While cold is, to a large extent, a frame of mind, it still takes work to keep the body actually warm--the frame of mind is only a matter of perception, not of actual metabolically generated heat.

    Regarding a mantra of not needing coffee, the title of the post has something to do with not lying to myself. I really do need my coffee.

    Eric Hines

  6. "...switches my brain on and gives me clearer thinking."

    No, no it doesn't.

  7. Ymarsakar10:19 AM

    Don't need coffee. It also interferes with prophetic abilities. It is like putting sugar in a car's engine or fuel tank. It may not explode immediately but performance drops. Even though technically ethanol would work in smaller quantities if refined.

    Injecting Nitrox or was it nitro.

  8. Ymarsakar10:22 AM

    That's not meditation in the op but manifestation.

    Meditation is more introspective and seeks to poke holes in one's internal emotions and mind to figure out who is really controlling you.
