A History of Assassination

"The trouble with many attempted assassinations is that the subject refuses to die."


  1. Speaking of which: on my kitchen counter is an empty 4-pack of Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout from North Coast Brewing. (I read an account of the assassination of Rasputin at a fairly young age and if I had ever had any thoughts of assassinating anyone, that pretty much took care of them.)

  2. raven9:32 PM

    With regard to Rasputin, practice makes perfect.
    The assassin with the most kills to his name has to be Gavrilo Princip, the down stream consequences 20 million lives or more...

  3. Ymarsakar10:33 AM

    20 people that had something to testify about JFK's assassination, ended up dying soon afterwards. Clinton foundation and HRC also has an interesting list of people close to her that ended up being buried six deep or perhaps further.

    And Americans think conspiracy is just a theory instead of an actual charge lawyers use to put people in jail heh.

    Robert Kennedy's descendants and their research on his life and trials in the South.

    Admiral Kimmel's family and their research on what really happened and who made Kimmel into a scapegoat for war justification.

    Even Gus Grissom's son or extended clan says he was murdered.

    The Challenger astronauts have various twins that coincidentally look just like the dead ones would look if they were on CIA/FBI protection witness relocation plans.

  4. Ymarsakar10:37 AM

    Correction Robert E Lee. R. Kennedy also had his own little interesting issues. Other than Joseph Smith, apparently Kennedy R. was the second person to be killed while being a Presidential candidate.

    It's how the DS keeps control of the Presidency by maintaining blackmail and leverage on those they let through.

    Conspiracies, they only happen to crazy people. The Deep State doesn't exist. The US President has never spied on or been spied on by internal traitors. Yea, yea. The fantasy of the American dream life.

    The Manhattan Project wasn't a secret but a food delivery service for hundreds of thousands of workers getting paid by the government to make non existent toys.

    The Cracking of the Enigma Code in WW2 wasn't kept secret for 35 years, because obviously more than 10 criminals working together can't keep a secret conspiracy for very long.
