That's what I call a mentor

They have got to be kidding me.

I'll bet these guys could solve a little problem like an under-26 student who needs better health insurance.

Honestly, it sounds like the more fevered variety of spy thriller novel.


  1. Yup, right out of The Avenger by Frederick Forsyth.

  2. Personally, I think it sounds wholesome and delightful. :)

  3. Delightful, yes, but if a novelist postulated a university official who cheerfully offered to do this kind of thing--successfully! No "and then things went seriously wrong for these arrogant cowboys" denouement--reviewers would complain that it undermined the conventions of fiction by requiring too great a suspension of disbelief. There must be a lot going on in Sweden I haven't grasped.

  4. "There must be a lot going on in Sweden I haven't grasped."

    The Heaven's plan and consequences of Saga Vanecek's anointment as Queen have yet to be revealed.

  5. raven6:11 PM

    Reminds me of Ross Perot and how he got his team out of Iran.

  6. Ymarsakar1:52 AM

    Varangians. The Norse still have the old Blood connections, which translates into modern mercenary circle connections.

    That or international mercs have better marketing now a days. For a hilarious look at the scene, consider Jagged Alliance 2.
