Seven Medieval Christmas Traditions wants to help if you'd like to do something very traditional. Your feast doesn't have to be fit for a king to be quite elaborate:
Even at a slightly lower level of wealth the Christmas meal was still elaborate. Richard of Swinfield, Bishop of Hereford, invited 41 guests to his Christmas feast in 1289. Over the three meals that were held that day, the guests ate two carcasses and three-quarters of beef, two calves, four does, four pigs, sixty fowls, eight partridges, two geese, along with bread and cheese. No one kept track of how much beer was drank, but the guests managed to consume 40 gallons of red wine and another four gallons of white.
There's quite a lot more, including Yule Goats and Icelandic Christmas Trolls.


  1. Ymarsakar9:07 AM

    Most of the meat nutrients are in the bone and brain/organs.

    The blood and spirit is usually drained, because to consume the spirit of a lower or higher life form is something else entirely.
