Government Somewhat Less Unconstitutional Than Previously

Thanks, against everything you'd expect from the normal news sources, to the Trump administration.


  1. God bless President Trump and those who have pushed back on regulation from within his administration- I think Mick Mulvaney is likely a major force on that front.

  2. Ymarsakar6:29 PM

    Deep State is rather busy using their pawns called teh FBI and CIA, to mess with Trum, since they have a hard time controlling Trum given that Trum was groomed back additional faction backers in the DS.

    This fight between the Solar Warden USA patriots of the Space Force vs the Cabal of the Leftist alliance and child traffickers, is quite the shadow war.

    Shadowrun was closer to reality than science fiction in the end.

  3. "Shadowrun was closer to reality than science fiction in the end."

    Isn't that the truth?
