Ezekiel 1:1-28

Or, Christmas dragons.

It's kind of a stretch, but I can see it.


  1. Ymarsakar12:49 AM

    Westerners don't even know what demons are. For example, they still worship the Vatican as holy priests...

    holy f, at least the Greek Orthodox tried to preserve their branch instead of splitting off for Roman power with the Vicar of Christ title.

  2. Ymarsakar6:21 AM

    The scriptures are considered scripture because prophets and humans that obtained Divine knowledge, wisdom, and visions wrote it.

    Now a days, the translation of King James bible by non apostles and non prophets, is considered the Literal Perfect Word of God, while those of us that receive visions and divine guidance are considered clowns, cooks, and crazy trolls...

    Hahaha mortals.
