BB: 'Braveheart' to get All-Female Reboot

Lena Dunham will play the starring role of Willow Wallace, a "fierce Scottish she-warrior who don't need no man."

Co-stars include Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer, and Beyonce. The band of female fighters will go on a brave quest to topple the patriarchy in 14th-century England... The majority of [their] army is, of course, slaughtered.


Paramount is hoping the film can make at least $10 at the box office, according to insiders.


  1. There is a tradition in American movies of women who have been left - widowed, usually - to tough it out on their own in a man's world, and these have been popular with both men and women.

    As guns were often involved, or hard work, they are modified somewhat for current tastes now. That satirical movie is actually a bit like "Brave," one of the Disney movies that comes under frequent criticism.

  2. A box-office BOMB in the making. Now if Lena looked like Raquel Welch...

  3. At the end, instead of a 45-minute torture scene, Willow will be filmed going through labor, occasionally running male onlookers through with a sword if they approach too closely.

  4. Now if Lena looked like Raquel Welch...

    Maybe if they actually got Raquel Welch....

    In fact, here's this: Ivanna White as Wallace, and Raquel Welch as Hamish. Would need to modify one of Hamish's lines, though.

    Eric Hines

  5. Ymarsakar12:47 AM

    Would have worked better with Boadicea, but Hollywood can't actually create new things. That's not in the soul contract they signed when they sacrificed children for fame and wealth.
