Yeah, it's just like that

USA Today explains that the barbed wire at the U.S.'s southern border evokes troubling images of the Iron Curtain.  It brings back memories, doesn't it?  East Germany frantically pushing its refugees towards West Germany, where they hope to build better lives for themselves, and West Germany callously manning the wall with tear-gas-wielding jackbooted cops.

In other news, apparently tear gas is not a violation of the Geneva Convention when Macron uses it against French protesters.  Speaking of the effect of tear gas, at least one would-be U.S. border-hopper understands what it's for: “If they’re launching tear gas,” Castillo said, “it’s better to head somewhere else.”


  1. Yes, the comparisons are amazing. Trump is like Hitler in his racism and monstrosity; the refugees are like Jews fleeing the Nazis. So the Jews are fleeing the Nazis... towards Hitler? Wait, let me check my notes, that can't be right.

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I just wish we had a "like" button here in the hall!
