"Legally Barred"

I suppose the Eighth Amendment probably forbids the court from taking the appropriate measures here.
A Texas father is fighting for his son in court after pushing back on his ex-wife's claim that their six-year-old is a transgender girl.

According to court documents, the young boy only dresses as a girl when he's with his mother, who has enrolled him in first-grade as a female named "Luna." The father, however, contends that his son consistently chooses to wear boys' clothes, "violently refuses to wear girl’s clothes at my home," and identifies as a boy when he is with him.

The Federalist reports that the mother has accused the father of child abuse in their divorce proceedings "for not affirming James as transgender" and is looking to strip the dad of his parental rights. "She is also seeking to require him to pay for the child’s visits to a transgender-affirming therapist and transgender medical alterations, which may include hormonal sterilization starting at age eight," the report adds.

The father has been legally barred from speaking to his child about sexuality and gender from a scientific or religious perspective and from dressing his son in boys' clothes; instead, he has to offer both girls' and boys' outfits. The boy consistently refuses to wear dresses, according to the father.

The boy was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a gender transition therapist the mother, a pediatrician, chose for her son to see. According to the therapist's notes, the boy chose to identify as a girl when he was in sessions alone with his mother; alternatively, he chose to identify as a boy when he was in sessions alone with his father.
This poor kid. Mommy and daddy are fighting; mommy really wishes he weren't a boy. He's six. No adult should be doing this to him.

The court is so far going along with this idiocy, if I am correct to believe that 'legally barred' means that some previous court proceeding is the source of this restriction.


  1. This is terribly sad.

    We do not know all sides of this story, however. I don't believe that transgenderism actually exists. Like multiple personality disorder, it is usually therapist-induced. Once that has been done, however, the patient has a real identity problem that is not easily resolved.

  2. raven5:15 PM

    RAH was right- these are indeed "The Crazy Years". That poor little boy.

  3. As I've written before, I find transgender claims philosophically interesting because they stand as a challenge to physicalism. If the physical is all that properly exists, then an XX person is female and an XY person is male, and that's that. The claim that they're 'born in the wrong body' is a challenge to the idea that the physical body is all there is; something else, like the soul or the spirit, is indicated. (In this way 'gender' is like the spirit itself: the question of whether you have one, and what it might be like, is a matter of faith against which science has no power.)

    Or, of course, it's a genuine mental illness (whatever that means); but that would suggest that the ideas are wrong, not the physicality. You really are a female, XX person: you're just baked in the head, somehow. It wouldn't make any sense to alter the body to fit the ideas. You should fix the broken ideas.

    But this is not a case of that sort. This is a hurting child being pulled apart by his parents, one of whom has apparently enlisted the aid of a professional killer of souls.

    If the article is correct and the mother wins before our august courts, the child will undergo chemical castration in two years' time.

  4. If a normal sized child believes she (usually it's a "she") is actually obese and purges or starves herself to get thinner, we call it "anorexia" and consider the mistaken belief -- the disconnect between reality and self-perception -- a mental disorder.

    There are similar more drastic disorders. There is a condition (formerly?) called hysterical blindness, in which a person with normally functioning eyes believes himself to be blind -- and so IS effectively blind. It is considered and treated as a mental disorder.

    In such cases we do NOT do surgery to remove healthy tissue forcing the body to match the patient's deluded self-image.

    In my opinion a therapist addressing sexual-self-image issues who can't articulate a useful distinction between anorexia versus sexual-dysmorphia shouldn't be practicing ANY therapy.
