Inappropriate Christmas gifts

This is a gift you should reserve for small children of parents who have deeply offended you--like giving a young boy a drum set.  But I have to admit to a strong temptation.  It's a toy fire truck that lights up and emits a siren, which is bad enough, but it also squirts water out of the hose attached to the ladder, how cool is that?

The best part is the video on the Amazon page, showing an adult running the toy through its paces, complete with a small alcohol fire in what looks like carpet near the truck, which the adult carefully extinguishes.  You can tell by the wording of the toy's description that no American lawyers went anywhere near this promotional video:
IMAGINAIVE EDUCATION TOY: This fire rescue truck is a great educational toy for kids, for it helps to cultivating the toddlers fire protection consciousness and emergency situation handling, so that children can protect themselves in the danger to some extents.

My grand-nephew is in that toddler toy-truck stage.  After last week's snows in the Northeast, his admirable father affixed cardboard snow-plow blades to all his trucks, and now the kid runs around the house delightedly yelling "'no pow! 'no pow!"


  1. I bought my niece a Karaoke microphone that plays a small repetitive music selection & amplified your singing voice. My little sister will soon finally appreciate what it was like living with her as a girl. :)

  2. Hit Stix are always good.

    My brother-in-law gave my eldest a rocking elephant to ride one year, that made a horrible sound.
