And Don't Forget the Fire Hazard

Schools in Sweden ban St. Lucia celebrations. (Some of you know these from The Ref's famous Scandinavian dinner scene.)
According to preschool manager Anna Karmskog, they want to avoid discrimination, offensive treatment and do not want to “exclude” anyone.

It is also seen from an “equality perspective”. Many people buy Lucia costumes for one occasion. It does not feel right to force the parents to buy these, she says.

Furthermore, many children are reported to be anxious and sad in a large crowd, and the “gender perspective” as the children “walk in a row” is questioned. The school has not discussed the cancellation with the parents.

In Mellerud, Åsen’s school decided to boycott the Lucia celebrations altogether...

“But last week, the school celebrated Muhammad’s journey to heaven without even informing us.”, [one school parent said].

Some now say that the cancelled Lucia celebration is a prelude to tone down Christmas to adapt to Islam. Recently, to prevent terror attacks, barriers have also been set up at Christmas Markets in Malmö.
Well, in fairness, most of the Muslim migrants are without concerns about gender, equality, exclusivity, or discrimination. So really, everybody is getting their way.


  1. So really, everybody is getting their way.

    Except Christians, who are being excluded in the holy name of inclusivity.

    Eric Hines

  2. Eric Blair8:18 PM

    It's really appalling at how a country that never had colonies (well, yes, in New Jersey for a bout 10 years in the 17th century) has decided to completely throw it's culture away in some weird attempt at multiculturalism that is not going to work.

  3. @ Eric Blair - as someone who is 25% Swedish, let me assure you that their culture is believing they are morally superior to everyone else, so this fits right in.

    We will still be having Luciafest at our church. Pro tip: don't hand the staffs to the Star Boys until the moment they start walking down the aisle.

  4. The hilariously humor-free Judy Davis character in "The Ref" might have been preserved in amber and transported to 2018's attitude toward every traditional ritual you can imagine.

  5. don't hand the staffs to the Star Boys

    Well, that's no fun.

    Eric Hines

  6. "...2018's attitude toward every traditional ritual you can imagine."

    Boy, you can say that again.

    I know we all hate Kevin Spacey now, and I was never his biggest fan to start with, but the look he shoots Denis Leary when she says "inflammable" gets me every time. :)
