What I been saying

If you see yourself as perpetually in need of a champion, be careful what champion you choose. There can be a hefty price-tag attached to these bargains.


  1. What would you expect from the party of Wilson, Croly, and TRoosevelt, with their current proudly Progressive acolytes, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, and their tightly coupled graft, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez?

    None of us--of any ethnicity, race, or gender--are up to the task of satisfying our duties as national democrats.

    Eric Hines

  2. I continue to prefer allies over masters. These people have sunk so far beneath my contempt I couldn't find them with a plumber's snake.

  3. I suspect the plumber's snake would actively avoid them. [/snark]

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    It is uncharitable, but at this point, if the (D) leadership were on fire, I'd want to know what they were standing on or in before I put them out. High, dry grass, dry timber, that sort of thing, then I'll grab a hose and fire bottle because of a duty to protect the rest of the public. Otherwise, um, well...


  5. Have to take considerable time working through the implications, too. Wouldn't want to risk making things worse by acting hastily.

    Eric Hines
