Trying Something New

North Carolina's solution to the student debt crisis: lower tuition.


  1. There are a couple of questions about this effort, one sort of spoken, and one not addressed at all. The first flows from this, from the cited article:

    The three institutions...only enroll a tiny fraction of the total number of college students in North Carolina.

    If this lowered tuition funding is scaled to State level, guess who's going to pay for the lowered tuitions?

    The unasked (by the article's author) question is what are the majors these students--reenrollees and other--are studying? What employable skills are they learning that would make taxpayers spotting them the money worth the cost to those taxpayers?

    Eric Hines

  2. Tuition can be lowered by cutting overhead, not just by subsidies. Fire some Deans of Diversity, cut admin salaries, eliminate some useless “studies” departments...

  3. Fire some Deans of Diversity, cut admin salaries, eliminate some useless “studies” departments...

    Need first to form a personnel committee to investigate Dean behaviors, need HR first to look into salary parities within the schools and in comparison with other schools, need to create a commission to study the departments for elimination--or expansion.

    Need also to get Federal and State funding to support the committee, HR investigation, and commission.

    Eric Hines
