
Looks to me like a bunch of "toss-ups" just edged into the "red" column.  Republicans need 20 of the remaining 32 toss-ups to retain the majority in the House.


  1. As the number is sure to be closer than we thought two months ago, there is another point. All the talk about the Democratic House voting to impeach Trump, even though the Senate will never get the two-thirds vote it would require to remove him from office. Even if the Democrats have a narrow majority, how many of those Democratic members of the House who just squeaked by and are up again in two years are going to stick their necks out and vote to impeach? The people in the solid blue districts would have to vote to impeach or face assassination. I don't know if that's hyperbole or not. But the others...

    I almost hope they win narrowly just to watch that play out.

  2. Given how much easier assassination is than a successful impeachment, I imagine they’ll come to that answer sooner than later. Even a lifetime appointment ends with one’s lifetime.
