The Worst Yet To Come?

A Bush administration veteran writes that the Left is not done; they intend to get worse, he warns.
That liberals’ orchestrated effort took both Congress and Court to new lows was not their concern. Their one and only goal was in not seeing the Supreme Court move any more to the right. Yet, the left’s effort also served notice: If they have their way, the process will only get worse....

More importantly for liberals, [the Supreme Court] is not directly dependent on a political majority. Certainly, the President nominates and the Senate confirms justices, but these can be far removed from particular decisions… and both can also have been wrong in their assumptions about their picks.

The Court’s lack of dependence on a political majority has been crucial to liberals, America’s smallest ideology. Lacking the thick edge of the political wedge, America’s left have sought the thin one of the Court to advance issues for which they could never have constructed a public majority.
We just had what was proclaimed to be a ricin attack on Susan Collins, following demonstrated ricin attacks on Mattis and the chief of the Navy. Howling mobs have been driving Republican elected officials out of public places. Today two Republican candidates in Minnesota report having been attacked and punched while attempting to campaign. Of course there was the 2017 baseball shooting targeting Republican Congressmen as well.

Meanwhile when Republicans in New York invited Vice-founder Gavin McInnes to speak, an Anitfa group formed to harass them. After one of the Antifa members attempted to steal the hat off a man's head, it turned into a brawl. The New York government is regarding it as a hate crime -- by the Republicans, whom they are going to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law in order to let them know they aren't welcome in New York City. There are of course regular street brawls in Portland, Oregon now.

All this leaves out non-violent but illegal attacks on Republicans, such as the Reality Winner leak of classified information because she thought it was about Trump; or the Treasury Department employee just arrested for leaking Paul Manafort's bank records. The ongoing illegality from within the government is a serious problem for the operations of that government, but at least it stops short of violent attacks.

As we discussed in the comments recently, the easiest way to end a lifetime appointment is to end the life. You can force a special election to replace a Senator you don't like if you off the Senator. You don't need to form a majority for that either; just a competent cell of radicals willing to operate 'by any means necessary.' People on the right should expect this, and take appropriate precautions.


  1. raven4:48 PM

    "appropriate precautions".

    If they succeed in killing conservative political figures, the appropriate countermeasures are going to be, dare I say, "grim".

    That sort of thing gives rise to a Franco, or a Pinochet.

  2. I wish I could confidently say Grim is wrong. "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." But this sort of pattern has been seen before. It rarely ends well.

  3. I'm not even sure what precautions would be. Vests for candidates & nominees? Increased security at events?

    What if you're just attending an event? Pistol and cane? Spray? Water & handkerchief for ad hoc smoke/gas masks?

    And on a larger scale, how do we de-escalate and yet keep up our momentum? I'm not tired of winning yet.

  4. You should be forming organizations that train and equip for mutual defense. Find people you really trust, and get ready together.
