The new Lindsey Graham

Something seems to have given way in the man.


  1. It’s rare for time in Congress to improve a man, however....

  2. Yep. He's had it. He's stopped mincing words.

  3. He's still too trusting, though; he still thinks Feinstein is a fine, upstanding Senator.

    Eric Hines

  4. He's one of my two Senators, and here's what I have to say on him. This is a step back in the right direction. And you can see glimmers of the young member of the House who bulldogged the Clinton impeachment hearings. However, one month of showing backbone hardly makes up for the past 12+ years of embracing every open borders group (including La Raza), calling the very constituents who voted for him "racists", and generally sucking up to the beltway media at every opportunity in general. Perhaps he was just drawn to John McCain and now, with McCain's presence absent, has found his footing once again. I do not know. The timing perhaps suggests as much. He started down his squish slide following McCain's failed Whitehouse bid, and only now seems to have found his steel again.

    Yes, it's a refreshing change. I would still rather give him the opportunity to spend more time with his family and let someone of a more conservative demeanor take that seat.

  5. Another thing: do you love the scare quotes around "losing Crimea"? Gotta appreciate MSNBC.

    Who, by the way, must be mourning the loss of what was always their go-to guy for a statement about how the Republicans have gone too far this time.

  6. Could do without the public cursing. Love the comeback about dunking!
    I do get the sense that without McCain, somethings different. I also suspect the doxxing incident made it rather personal.
