The Logic of the Current Revolution

Dr. Codevilla has a long piece on what he calls the current revolutionary moment. He posits at least one scenario in which it ends well for the most part:
Were a conservative to win the 2020 presidential election, dealing with the Progressives’ renewed resistance would be his administration’s most pressing problem. But had the Left’s resistance failed utterly during the previous four years, it may be possible to convince it to switch from its present offensive mode to a defensive one. Were this to be the happy case, the conservative side of American life, operating from a dominant position, might be able to obtain agreement to some form of true federalism.

Unattainable, and gone forever, is the whole American Republic that had existed for some 200 years after 1776. The people and the habits of heart and mind that had made it possible are no longer a majority. Progressives made America a different nation by rejecting those habits and those traditions. As of today, they would use all their powers to prevent others from living in the manner of the Republic. But, perhaps, after their offensive resistance’s failure, they might be reconciled to govern themselves as they wish in states where they command a majority, while not interfering with other Americans governing themselves in their way in the states where they are a majority.
I used to think something like this could work; of late I've become unconvinced. I think the real issue now is that there are progressive urban areas even in the reddest states, and red areas even in the bluest ones. Federalism still might work, but not state-oriented federalism. We need some way of preventing the Mountain Tribe from having to be ruled by the City Tribe; and vice versa, not that I think the Mountain Tribe has much interest in ruling over cities or their people.


  1. We need to overturn Baker v. Carr, and Reynolds v.Sims.

    Those two decisions ensured cities would have the controlling voice in states.
    The effect is exactly the same state wide, as getting rid of the electoral colledge would be nation wide- a tyranny of the majority.

    No coincidence Warren said these cases were the most important of his term.

    I would like to see it brought up as a possibility, if only to see the left go bug nuts crazy- Roe v. Wade would be a minor disagreement by comparison- reversal of these two cases would absolutely destroy the lefts power base..

  2. "Progressivism" is a missionary faith.

  3. That's a thought.

  4. "I would like to see it brought up as a possibility, if only to see the left go bug nuts crazy- Roe v. Wade would be a minor disagreement by comparison- reversal of these two cases would absolutely destroy the lefts power base."

    Many things are possible now where the Supreme Court is concerned.

  5. Hmm, I like what Raven is suggesting. That would make a significant impact in the current situation.
