Show's Over

You know it's all over when the Downfall video posts.

There's also this Lindsey Graham video (language warning).

But I like this CCR version better. The Duran Duran version is not as good. But the Pixies version has something going for it.

Congratulations, Justice Kavanaugh.

Mr. Hines, you can choose whether you prefer the twenty bucks or the case of beer, but if you pick the latter you can help me drink it.


Lindsey Graham with exploding fist bumps.


UFC fighter shouts out to "Special K."

The big UFC victory of the night: "Donald Trump called me and told me to knock this Russian m*****f***** out.... USA in this house."



  1. Grim, it'll be a pleasure.

    Eric Hines

  2. That's the best "Hitler FInds Out" I've seen yet, but the net doesn't seem on its game, quite. One even tried to put the Republican Party into the Hitler persona! Unclear on the concept of schadenfreude. I did like one that had Hitler sputtering that "next they'll be putting [some piece of incriminating video] on Facebook," with the young woman in the hall turning to her weeping companion and saying, "Inga, tell me you didn't . . . ?"

    These things have ritual comic elements that have to be handled properly: the part that makes you sad and tired, the part that makes you explode, the part that makes your underlings sweat bullets, the furious/resigned prediction of the consequences. At every step Hitler has to be admitting the sheer chutzpah of what he attempted and how utterly it falls apart when the other side calls him on his BS. These early attempts feel like the posters don't quite get what was wrong here--they're still mincing around it.

    That clip of Lindsey Graham adjusting his tie and smiling beatifically is oddly addictive. "Who's your Daddy?" Spring in the step. I'm reminded of a scene in Gorky Park when our heroine says "I didn't feel dirty. I felt as if a layer of my skin had been burnt off." You reach a point when you realize you were wincing in the expectation of a blow and you feel incredible now that you realize either the blow didn't matter or you just don't care any more.

    People keep saying decent candidates won't want to step forward for a public position. What could be a worse reaction? We all have skeletons, but if you've faced them within yourself and done your best to make amends, the right response to blackmail is "publish that puppy. I have nothing more to hide, and you can't make me ashamed of something without my consent."

  3. the right response to blackmail is "publish that puppy. I have nothing more to hide, and you can't make me ashamed of something without my consent."

    And my favorite response in similar circumstances: "Go ahead, and sue me. Discovery will be fun."

    Eric Hines

  4. I realize that doesn't address the problem of defamation, but we really can't abandon the public square for fear of defamation.

  5. Nor can we be surrendering the language to the Left and let them define the terms. It's time we started noting their racism in manufacturing racist beefs where none exists (monkey up), and it's time we started noting their sexism in their manufacturing sexist beefs where none exist (disagreeing with Ford's charge).

    Eric Hines

  6. I actually had a male neighbor send me a message today saying, "I though, being a woman, you would know better. I guess I was wrong." Of all the insulting nonsense, as if I would approach a legal, moral, logical issue differently because of my double-X. I'm a human being. I am really sick of this. I'd as soon have someone suggest I should evaluate evidence differently because I'm white.

  7. Second alternative first: that would be consistent with your white privilege. Which, by the way, you absolutely must protect against the evils of cultural appropriation: nobody else should have our privilege.

    As to the first, if X marks the spot, doesn't the second X cancel the mark?

    Eric Hines

  8. Can anyone tell me the story behind the "Cocaine Mitch" nickname for McConnell? I've seen it a few times, but have no idea what it refers to.


  10. Thanks, Grim. That fact-check is enlightening. It introduced me to the "cat" as the standard unit of shipping weight comparison. To wit:

    "The Ping May is a huge vessel with 91,385 tons of cargo capacity, which is about the same as 20 million cats, assuming each cat weighs the average 10 pounds.

    "For comparison, the 40 packages of cocaine, about 90 pounds total, would weigh the same as nine cats."
