She Must Be Tiny

In Canada, film of a pro-life woman being kicked down by a pro-choice protester. He succeeds even though he looks like he might blow away in a strong wind, but apparently he was bigger than her.

This is the sort of thing that works better in Canada. Don't get any ideas, American protesters.

UPDATE: She is, in fact, quite small. Her name is Marie-Claire Bissonnette, and here is her story.


  1. Interesting, and dismaying, that the Canadian police chose to do nothing about the felony.

    A police car arrived, five to ten minutes later. The policemen rolled down their window but did not exit their vehicle.

    I approached them and told them I was just assaulted and explained the situation. I showed them the video. They replied, “What do you want us to do about it?”.

    Separately, I seem to remember some commentary in the Hall about police response times and mayhem in the interval.

    Eric Hines

  2. “What do I want you to do? Call an ambulance, obviously — the poor man’s beaten nearly to death.”

  3. Were that the outcome, no need to waste the police's time in the first place; the problem has been settled. No need take an ambulance away from an actual emergency run, either; his buds can take him.

    Eric Hines

  4. I suppose in Canada you wouldn’t get the additional satisfaction of knowing he’d have to pay hundreds of dollars out of pocket for that ambulance ride.

  5. Did you notice his medallion? Upside down pentagram in a circle? A Satanist.

    Probably due for a late term abortion. About 25 years late.

    Oh- I love the tongue between the teeth- an opportunity to at least mute the POS.

  6. I wonder if he's sophisticated enough to know the difference between a pentagram and an inverted pentagram. Probably just bought it at the head shop, thought it was 'magickal' and cool.


  8. A hairdresser. The hell you say.

  9. Well, he was working for a business owned by a group of women. And they didn't think this was particularly funny.
