Say it ain't so

Talks about whom to appoint to the Ninth Circuit "collapsed over the summer," did they?


  1. "But ultimately Democrats paid McConnell’s ransom to get their incumbents back home. Under the deal, the Senate confirmed all 15 judicial nominees Thursday evening. The Senate also confirmed 21 executive-branch nominees by unanimous consent Thursday, including several assistant secretaries of state, an assistant secretary of defense and deputy administrators for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and NASA.

    "Three of the newly confirmed judges will sit on circuit courts; the remainder are district court judges."

    Not bad, Mitch.

  2. You know what happens when you pay the Danegeld.

  3. Three of the newly confirmed judges will sit on circuit courts....

    One of those three, as I understand it, was to the 9th. Conservative or liberal population, the 9th badly wants revamping, anyway--it has a Supreme Court reversal rate in the neighborhood of 80%, which is a strong indicator that the 9th rules on personal agendas and not on the merits of the case or the text of the law or Constitution. It gives activist courts a bad name.

    Eric Hines

  4. You know what happens when you pay the Danegeld.

    We get the Danes to expose themselves, for easier destruction?

    Eric Hines

  5. This time we’re the Danes. :)

  6. You know what happens when you pay the Danegeld.

    You get more Danes?

  7. An endless supply.
