This Is Perfectly Healthy

"They complain that even when they give them gender-neutral toys, the boys immediately rush for the trucks."

As you would expect, the radio interview is totally in favor of feminism, but can't help but admit that the relationship has been poisoned. "Some feminists envision a world without men." "I was forced to conclude that feminism had failed mothers and sons." It ends up endorsing a kind of cross-dressing dance therapy, because of course life itself is so traumatic that therapy is necessary for everything and dance therapy is obviously the right way to bring up your son. (Also cross-dressing, clearly. You think I'm joking about the content of the interview, but I'm not at all joking. This is their idea for fixing things.)


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The remnants of the feminist movement in the US (3rd wave feminists) have made common cause with the remnants of the old radicals and communists, continuing to play "F*ck the System" and "Smash Monogamy."

    The purpose is to undercut marriages, make men, women and children unhappy and weak. This is how "useful idiots" are created.


  2. These people are all crazy. Maybe it's the ideology that's crazed them, since it's the one thing they have in common; but then again, I know other people who self-identify as Feminists (though not necessarily 3rd wave) who are perfectly reasonable and sane. So maybe it's the intersection of Feminism and Marxist modes of interpretation.

    Whatever it is, though, they're literally mad. Not just angry, though that too. Mad.

  3. raven2:30 PM

    They have never had anything serious to worry about, most of them. Never gone hungry, never slept under a bridge overpass, never had a job where sweat poured off them. Just a bunch of whiny idiots who , after managing to break whatever societal mores they can, now go off on an insane quest for meaning. They HAD the meaning, and they threw it away.

  4. “I fear that growing up with a mother who wishes the world contained no men may not have adequately scarred my son. What more can I do to warp him before he escapes from my control?”

    “Make him film a movie of himself dancing and singing while wearing your clothes! Then have the BBC tell everyone in the world about it!”

  5. You'll make yourself crazy trying to reconcile the mindsets of all the people who are called (or call themselves) feminists. The word has scarcely any meaning any more. If we wanted to be clear, which most don't, we'd say "man-haters" and "people who insist that women are people of equal dignity and worth--as a class--with men, notwithstanding glaring individual exceptions."

    I have as much use for people who despise all traditionally male characteristics as for people who despise all traditionally female characteristics. How it's different from dreaming up spurious excuses for preferring white or black skin I can't imagine.

    I keep reminding myself this isn't the first time in history that a culture's attitudes have been in a disgraceful shambles.

  6. Normally it doesn’t get to me, and other people put up with worse forms of irrational hatred. But thinking about those boys being raised with this bothers me. It would be like the Grand Kleagle adopting a black child and then putting it through nearly two decades of mental abuse.

  7. Good analogy. Mentally fragile people can do terrible things to their kids when they project what they hate about themselves onto the youngsters, but it can't help to have the enthusiastic support of a whole movement behind the sick parents.

  8. Well, to the extent society allows and condones this sort of thing, we're complicit in this mass hysteria (and that's really what it is).

    The Kavanaugh hearings are also partly a result of this madness.
