The week in pictures

PS, Our little non-hurricane mostly passed through during the night. We had 4.2 inches yesterday, bringing our September total to 15-1/2. Not a problem here at Chez Tex, of course, where we have learned that weather continues to happen.


  1. Gringo1:13 PM

    I present an example of a big fan of Chavista Socialism who, once he was no longer being paid for touting Chavista Socialism, expressed a rather different opinion. Chris Carlson was a PSF (see explanation at bottom of comment) who wrote for Venezuelanalysis,the Chavista propaganda website, through 2013. Here are links to his articles: Advanced Google Search: Chris Carlson @ Venezueanalysis. More or less, Chris Carlson giddily informed us that the Chavista revolution was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He also had his own website, Gringo in Venezuela.

    After his gig at Venezuelanalysis, those in the know suspected him of populating the comments site at the oppo website, Caracas Chronicles, with such names as Anon, Clueless in Caracas, or Get a clue. Example:
    Advanced Google Search:Geta clue @ Caracas Chronicles. As those comments eventually stopped, an easy conclusion was that "Get a clue," a.k.a. Chris Carlson, was no longer getting paid for those comments.

    Chris Carlson is currently a doctoral candidate in Sociology at CUNY. His vitae at CUNY includes links to articles he has recently written on Venezuela. These articles take a decidedly different interpretation of Venezuela than he had when he wrote for Venezuelanalysis. A Bing Search is an alternate way to locate those articles. Chris Carlson Venezuela. I guess that when you aren't being paid for your opinions, you may come to different conclusions.

    PSF: Pendejo Sin Fronteras: fellow travelers- Idiot beyond/without frontiers- foreign supporters of Hugo Chavez/Maduro. A takeoff on Médecins (Physicians) Sans Frontières.

  2. We are also experiencing weather. The outermost parts of Florence began to reach the mountain fastness an hour ago, with the stronger bands to follow over the rest of the weekend. It’s no threat to us, though we were well prepared had it been.

  3. Ymarsakar6:11 AM

    There was a hurricane on the east side of the coast 9/11, strangely enough.

    No wonder older people liked retelling stories. Without the internet, few would believe it the first time told, so they had to practice a thousand times.
