The Mustache Isn't Playing

National Security Adviser John Bolton threatens to arrest any International Criminal Court judges who try American soldiers for actions in Afghanistan. As a power move, that's the kind of thing that the kids today call "alpha" or "baller." It's certainly the sort of thing that a dominant power would do. And it is true, as Bolton says, that the ICC isn't accountable to Americans or really to anyone: it's the kind of unelected international elites that the Trump administration was elected to oppose. Americans have a right to be tried by a jury of their peers, not by strangers and foreigners but by their fellow citizens.

That said, I have not been impressed lately by our system's success at holding its members to account. If we're going to be credible here, we need to do a good job of ensuring that we uphold our own rules and laws. The military justice system as I've observed it probably does this better than the rest of our so-called justice systems, to be fair.

1 comment:

  1. Ymarsakar7:15 AM

    The military justice system as I've observed it probably does this better than the rest of our so-called justice systems, to be fair.

    Up until the mjs is composed of Hussein loyalists, Black Power West Point graduates, and the usual Navy crowd. There's the water navy and then also the Space navy, just in case people were wondering what the usual crowd was.
