Cyberpunk 2020

More or less on schedule?
Researchers claim to have developed a simulator which can feed information directly into a person’s brain and teach them new skills in a shorter amount of time, comparing it to “life imitating art”.
They cite "The Matrix" for this, but the idea was fully formed in William Gibson's early works.

UPDATE: The splintering of cyberspace.


  1. Not exactly "downloading," is it? It seems more like making it easier to pay attention. You could call it "priming the person to learn," and that seems to be what they're suggesting.

  2. And once again, science takes its inspiration from science fiction. Gibson is one of my favorite authors - a new book is due out soon but it keeps slipping, now it's set for early next year.

  3. Oh, shoot, Heinlein was doing this in the 1950s, at least. and I'm sure I could come up with other sci-fi writers from the Golden Age if I tried harder.

  4. A E van Vogt on AI....

    Eric Hines
