BB: Feelings Acceptable as Answers on Math Tests

“Any emotion, feeling, statement, or catchphrase is an acceptable answer to most of the problems in the new mathematics standards,” a Common Core representative told reporters. “As long as students are being sincere, genuine, authentic, and true to themselves at the time they are answering the question, that’s all we can ask as educators.”


  1. I don't take trains. I fly.

    And that's the truth. Thb-b-b-t

    Eric Hines

  2. This is not funny! I finally looked up the website on Wikipedia and found it is a satire site, but this is not far off the mark.

    My wife and I attended back-to-school night last week for our youngest, now starting 6th Grade. His US History teacher is an American that moved *to* Nicaragua for college, graduated, taught school there, and just moved back. His "dream" is to move to North Korea. The first quarter of "U.S. History" is spent studying the governments of American Indian tribes " they were the first real U.S. government".

    After the first week of school, my son had declared "my history teacher's a commie", so we knew something was up...just didn't expect this level of stupid. Sadly, this is at the good charter school we were thrilled to get in to.

  3. If you want to move to Pyongyang, Delta is ready when you are.

  4. Krag, I hear ya, but at least with mine, the more obvious indoctrination attempts didn't start until well into high school. A couple years accelerated from my days, where the first commie teacher I had was in English 101 at the local community college. I really enjoyed that class, as I was the foil to his attempts to indoctrinate the class. I'm hoping I can coach mine through it and they'll be sharper for having been challenged.
    What I worry about is all the kids whose parents don't know or don't care.

  5. Be true to your school/Just like you're true to your girl
