A Story in Two Tweets

Apparently Obama gave a speech. In it he apparently said something about people finding it difficult to say that Nazis are bad. This occasioned some comment.



Signs point to 'no.'


  1. Eric Blair10:08 PM


  2. Not a fan of loud-mouthed SEALs, but that is funny.

  3. Gringo2:31 PM

    What Obama neglected to include was that many on his side of the aisle are yelling "Nazi" at the slightest excuse. While I would agree that "Nazis are bad," I might not necessarily agree that those whom the left calls Nazis are actually Nazis.

    For example, consider all the times Trump was called a Nazi. Yup, someone who has good relations with his Jewish son-in-law must be a Nazi.

  4. This is a good point. It's getting hard to tell who the Nazis really are without having to devote a great deal of time and attention to it.

  5. Ymarsakar12:24 AM

    If the Nazis are bad, why did the Leftist alliance order their media state propaganda to defend NASA and the fruits of Operation Paperclip?

    See, American shadow stupidity never did make any sense. Even to those of us in the know.

  6. Nazis discriminated against and hated Jews -- much like current Dems hate and discriminate against Trump staff, Trump supporters, and Reps in college.

    Nazis go to protests and act violently, making a mess and threatening violence. Much like Dem "antifa" folk.

    Very unlike the Tea Party protests by the peaceful Reps.

  7. Very unlike the Tea Party protests by the peaceful Reps.

    Who also cleaned up after themselves at the end of their protests.

    Eric Hines
