Extremists Training School Shooters in New Mexico

"Extremists" is loose language, since no one is merely extreme; they are an extreme something-or-other. In this case, the author is clear about just what kind of extremists they were.
Siraj Ibn Wahhaj — son of radical imam Siraj Wahhaj, one of America’s most prominent Islamic clerics and Linda Sarsour’s mentor — kidnapped his own child in order to exorcise him of his physical disabilities that his father attributed to demonic possession.

A search for the boy led authorities to a remote compound in New Mexico, where local police found Siraj Ibn Wahhaj heavily armed. Court documents filed stated the compound served as a training camp to teach children to commit school shootings.
The author is herself a Muslim, one who isn't afraid to talk seriously about the issues her faith is facing. Indeed, joining the Clarion Project is a clear commitment to facing those issues head-on. She has, separately, some advice for Muslims running for office.


  1. raven6:09 PM

    Wonder how many training camps there are in the US.
    This Canadian attack is bothersome. Sounds like someone was getting ready to kill a city, or several cities. Not much mention in the MSM. It would be extremely instructive to find out where the money trail leads-


  2. I have yet to see that story anywhere I know to be sure of, myself. How much faith do you have in ammoland.com? It’s a blockbuster if it’s true.

  3. raven8:40 PM

    I think it was a reprint from some Canadian press-
    Here is a take by the Guardian

    Note they state 33 of the seized guns were identical- that is not a street crime stolen gun source.
    Toronto sun- note the picture- I don't know if those are evidence boxes or factory cases but they all appear to be Glock 19's.


    Something odd here for sure.

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    There were at least two Islamist training camps in New Mexico that I am pretty confident about. I learned about them from a gent who was grousing about a ranch near Ghost Ranch (Georgia O'Keefe's property) being sold at a wildly high price to a Muslim group that closed the roads and put up a shooting range without telling anyone. A second gent from down state said, "Huh. I though the one near us was the only one." This was 2011.

    I didn't follow up to see if anything was done by the Federal or State authorities or if local law-enforcement stepped in.

